Executive coaching & Leadership development

I accompany leaders in designing their personal and prefessional journey in order to become more and more capable to approach present times with confidence, in a strong and balanced way, with resilience. I found extraordinary to be able to witness this and be the reflection and thinking partner of those who cherish me with their trust.

Since 2010 I decided to use my energy and experience to coach leaders and managers individually or in teams, I started to prepare myself to become an Executive coach and this completed harmoniously my role as a facilitator and trainer and, last but not least, as leader of my own team.


What is Executive

Today I accompany and coach leaders, managers, the vast majority at the top of their organizations, in dealing with current challenges or for the ones they envisage or plan. In their professional and personal development plans and the transformation and adaptation of their organizations. Because a leader acts with and builds together with their team, many of the individual coaching projects aim to strengthen the way the leader shapes and inspires the team, communicates with, develops it, and develops himself.


Executive coaching projects are often dedicated to board teams, but also to managers at regional or national level of departments and divisions. I specialized in Executive coaching, Team coaching, Transformative and change coaching. From developing the vision and adapting to change, to initiating change and taking accountability to develop strategic capacity and thinking, developing leadership maturity and self confidence, profound understanding of own values and beliefs that support advancement or create obstacles.


I have assignments in Romania and Europa, and now (2023) I reached over 4000 hours coaching.


What does Leadership
Development mean?

My approach to developing leadership skills is a transformational, systemic, holistic: the act of leadership takes place in a complex context that must be deciphered, understood, shaped. In this context self awareness and clarity are leadership tools.


Executive Sparring Partner

What is your biggest challenge, right now?? Taking time for reflection, together with a thinking partner, where do you think the essence of this challenges arise? Start from your way of doing things, is your value system and your collection of beliefs aligned with the way you’re integrating your work with your personal life? How are your objectives looking? Optimistic, more realistic or you don’t even have yet a long-term vision clear? Can you look at all this and define them? Every person who is already or wants to become a champion, has a sparring partner for coaching them, supporting and understanding your challenges, as you experience them, through his own experience and education. My role is to support you in developing your own leadership, team or organizational leadership. Self leadership it’s a combination of your capacity to maintain your strength and vitality together with your own private life but also where’s your social and professional life.

An Executive Sparring Partner helps you to understand, to clarify, and become more aware around your present or future challenges, your vision and your strategies for your success, as you define this success.

"Firts 100 days" are you special for any executive leader that takes over a new team a new company or a new strategic project. Working with a sparring partner during this first 100 days, it’s probably the best investment you can do.  What would you like to gain? What would you like to learn? What is your vision? This Journey has the rules to help you to fit in the role at your best.


Group & Team coaching

What does Group coaching mean?

Group Coaching brings the coaching methodology to a workgroup conversation, typically up to 15 people. This allows channels of communication to be opened, allows for more sensitive or group-related topics to be addressed, allows learning by sharing experience in a genuine way.

This creates a strong organizational network, reduces silo-type approach and strengthens productive relationships. At the same time, it is a very effective way of increasing engagement and providing a healthy working environment.

What is a group? For example ”teams” reunited under the organizational umbrella as a Division, Business Unit or Direction but they’re activities are independent. They may benefit some strong relationships, experience sharing around best practices, people relationships, people development, work culture but they do not work as a team as such, under the basic definition of a team, they do not depend one on each other in reaching their objectives.

The distinction is important when contracting the coaching process objectives and expected results of the coaching process.


What does team coaching mean?

In the case of team-coaching the fundamental principles are the same as the difference that the working group works as a team and aims to become more efficient, more robust, to increase the level of trust and the degree of cohesion of the team. The team has a common goal or defines a common goal for which they need to develop working arrangements, discuss and jointly discover approaches that are taken up and provide satisfaction to team members.

Team members develop themselves, each in harmony with others, discuss sensitive topics, or provide feedback.



Transitional and change coaching - team coaching and workshops facilitation


Facilitation is an art in itself, requires many years of practice, accumulation of experience and… wisdom. Facilitating a meeting, a workshop, a team dialogue to generate a consensus around an outcome requires the courage to start with them and a structure of conversation and dialogue, but no pre-defined conceptual content. The Transformational Coaching demands, in the teams involved in such a journey, a special space of trust. Everything happens in the space and is formed on the basis of participants' contributions. It is the ability that I developed over many years and working with a lot of teams, stepping back to create a safe space for reflection, dialogue, negotiation and search for agreement.



Why change coaching - transformational coaching?

From innovative projects that have changed the face of organizations and placed them at the top of their industry to alignment of objectives at regional or organizational level, “change coaching” interventions, “alignment for purpose and creation of common platforms”, “leadership team day” are spectacular in themselves. Visual techniques and working in an open dialog space, preliminary discussions, all make the dynamics to beattractive and productive at the same time.



Mentor Coaching

Mentor Coaching to prepare you for an ICF - ACC or PCC accreditation. One-to-one feedback and mentoring meetings so that in a collaborative and applied way, based on ICF competencies, a coach who wishes to have a professional learning partner can benefit from my experience and expertise. We work with recorded coaching sessions, in absolute confidentiality from the coaching client and with the sole aim of supporting the mentored coach to refine their coaching skills and reach a higher stage of their practice being ready to take the next step in accreditation.

The program covers 10 hours of mentor-coaching, carried out over a minimum of 3 months, based on a schedule agreed upon with the coach enrolling in the program in 1 or 2-hour sessions depending on the stage and specific requirements.


Coach Manager Toolkit

Today, companies are asking managers to act as a coach and, as a result, to train and strengthen people's development and motivation using their coaching skills.

Being a manager-coach is challenging because there are many seemingly conflicting requirements. But those who became leaders do this, some naturally, other by training their competencies and understanding at the profound level, the development processes that are taking place during the coaching conversations.

What is the coach Manager Toolkit?

A set of practical elements that offers you the possibility to coach your people through coaching conversations in 15 minutes or less. You will be able to focus better, create more impact and the results can be spectacular. The set of cards is the core of the processes and skills that are fundamental to the coaching that managers or entrepreneurs apply to their people. Accompanied by checklists and best practices, the cards are a guide and do not substitute literature. But they come to structure and synthesize a piece of information and tips&trick that otherwise requires many years of training and training.


To these important components we can add a face-to-face training for groups of managers in the same company, a very practical and experiential approach in two steps: 2 days + 1 day of follow-up. We have created this coaching skills program for managers to address, first and foremost, the role conflict issues and clarify when coaching is valuable and serves both employees and managers and organizations. A workshop with  impact that has helped strengthen company cultures where coaching is a common practice. A lot of practice, reframing managers’ challenges into development opportunities, anchoring them to the reality of their day-to-day work. And a great deal of pleasure in sharing and supporting this development on my part. I have trained hundreds of managers to use their skills harmoniously and to become coach for their teams.

Why try Coaching cards?

  • you can train your people through coaching conversations in 15 minutes or less!
  • you have 5 key drivers to ensure your coaching performance
  • you have 5 effective conversation models
  • you have 5 checklists that guide your own training
  • over 100 powerful questions that help you become a better manager/coach



As a coach, manager and entrepreneur, with multiple international accreditations in the field, I felt I was missing something... a practical SUMMARY of all this information and methods. First of all, I have designed these cards for me at the beginning of my career as a coach. Performance has increased by discussing what solutions and what hurdles they encounter, what they become accountable for and, what steps they will take to succeed.

to structure discussions

to make employees more aware of the actions, the solutions they can find and their personal potential

to support employees and give them independence in decision making

to increase the responsibility of team employees

to motivate employees to take more actions that will quickly generate results


  • A coaching and action method for my team
  • Solutions to make my team autonomous, take responsibility, to stop procrastinating
  • A simple structure for coaching conversation and a better way of working
  • Managing the pressure as the resources are limited
  • Adding the coaching to my manager toolkit to move to next level in my career
  • Perfecting and transforming into a successful business leader

Transfer bancar

Dacă vă doriți toolkit-ul de coaching pentru manageri și acces complet la toate resursele video, trimiteți dovada plății la adresa madi.radulescu@mmmconsulting.ro și noi vă vom trimite codul de acces.

Beneficiar: MMM Consulting International srl.

Adresa: str. Bitolia nr. 6, ap. 1 sect. 1.

Sediu Social: Bucuresti str. Turturelelor 11B Bl. 11B, sect. 3

CUI - RO 15198098

RC J40/1806/11.02.2003

Banca: Unicredit Bank Panduri

Contul: RO92 BACX 0000 0030 1347 7000

Banca: Raiffeisen Bank

Contul: RO08 RZBR 0000 0600 1797 9490


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